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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Conference: "Ciencia (no)-ficción. Periodistas narrando la ciencia en vivo"

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Event details

The PerCientEx Observatory, in collaboration with the Gabinet de Comunicació i Educació research group at the UAB, dedicates its fifth edition of scientific journalism on the reflection of new and different manners to narrate science, such as narrative podcasts, non-fictional theatre and video podcasts. These formats distance themselves from traditional journalism in order to come closer to literature and other artistic activities.

Participants will include Maricarmen Climént, Federico Bianchini and Irene Baños, authors of innovative productions in the areas to be debated. All three will conduct actions related to their professional activities on science, health and the environment, which they created especially for the conference.

The moderator will be Michele Catanzaro, lecturer in the Department of Journalism and Communication Studies at the UAB and director of PerCientEx Observatory, and Verónica Couto Antelo, biologist and scientific communicator, and deputy director of PerCientEx Observatory.

Attendance is free, but prior registration is required.

More information on the conference