International Exchange

Ajuts econòmics

Economic grants


The SEPIE (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación) is the entity that distributes the economic funds from the European Union and the MEFP (Ministry of Education and Vocational Training) to receive the students participating in the Erasmus+ program. The grants will be awarded according to the same criteria used during the selection process until they cover all the funds awarded. Students with an assigned place do not have to carry out any procedure expressly in order to receive the basic and/or additional grant, they only have to apply for the Banco de Santander grants and the MOBINT grant at AGAUR.

In order to guarantee the agility in the payment of the grants, it is recommended that you attach a “Certificate of ownership of the bank account” to the Personal Area of the SIA. The beneficiary students will receive the grant from the Erasmus+ program by bank transfer in two payments: the first, after leaving, for an approximate amount of 70% of the total awarded. To access the first payment you must have completed the following steps: Submit the original grant agreement signed digitally; fill in the Banking Data section in the sigm' application; submit the Certificate of Arrival and present the digitally signed “Declaration of Responsibility/Journey”. All 4 steps are essential to receive the payment, you will find more information on how to take each step in the Informative Dossier.

The second payment, with the remaining amount, will be made when the student has returned and has carried out the following procedures: provide the original Certificate of stay signed by the host university (where the start and end dates of the stay must also be clearly stated: day, month and year) and fill in the report on the stay carried out through the application of the CE (Beneficiary Module).

For the month of start and end of stay, which are usually not full months, the day of return and return will be taken into account and will be paid proportionally to the days of real stay of those months (calculating according to that one month is equal to 30 days).

All those students who, on 30 September of the course following their stay, have not submitted the required documentation, will be given the waiver of the grant and, therefore, will be required to refund the amount paid to them. Failure to submit the documentation within the established period will imply the return of all the amounts paid.

The decision to award places for the destination of the call does not necessarily imply the granting of an economic aid that will depend on the approval of the budgets allocated to the programs by the different institutions involved. In the event that there are no grants for all students with a place awarded, priority will be given to the mobility of the UAB's own centres, granting a maximum of 10% of the grants to students from affiliated centres. In the event that there are no grants for all students, 85% of the grants for Erasmus+ mobility calls will go to undergraduate students, 10% to master's students and 5% to doctoral students. The rest of the students who do a mobility stay with the Erasmus+ program will be able to do so in the "zero scholarship" modality without financial endowment.

Grants - Assets of grants (Single support and travel aid) according to funding funds (Erasmus+ project) and destination countries:

  • Grants with funds from the Erasmus KA131 project 2023:

    Individual support with funds from the 2023 Erasmus KA131 project:



 Group 1
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden €350/month
 Group 2
Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal and Cyprus €300/month
 Group 3
Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia and Turkey €250/month
Additional help for students with fewer opportunities (*) For all groups of countries €250/month
Complementary amount to the individual support for ecological displacement (**) For all groups of countries

€50 and up to 4 days of additional individual support

Grants from the Erasmus KA131 project of 2024:

  • Individual support with funds from the Erasmus KA131 project of 2024


 Group 1
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden 


 Group 2 Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden 


 Group 3
Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey


Additional help for students with fewer opportunities For all groups of countries €250/month

Switzerland is outside the Erasmus+ programme, but the places agreed with higher education institutions in that country will be offered during this call. People who obtain a place in a destination in Switzerland will not be able to receive financial aid from the European Union, and they will have to process the financing directly with the Swiss government (Swiss-European Mobility Programme):

  • Travel aid with project funds Erasmus KA131 de 2024:
Distance in kilometers* Maximum amount to perceive
Between 100 and 499 km  €211 (€285 per ecological trip)
Between 500 and 1999 km €309 (€417 per ecological trip)
Between 2000 and 2999 km €395 (€535 per ecological trip)
Between 3000 and 3999 km €580 (€785 per ecological trip)
Between 4000 and 7999 km €1188 per participant
Between 8000 and 19999 km e1735 per participant

Complementary amount to the individual support for ecological displacement (**) 

For distances of up to 3999km

Increase in travel aid and up to 4 days of additional individual support

(*) Additional help for students with fewer opportunities for all projects:

If you meet any of the requirements, it is necessary to accredit it in advance at Sigma.

  • Students with fewer opportunities are those who meet one of these criteria:
  • Have benefited from a scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, from a scholarship to do university studies and other higher studies granted by the Department of Education, Language Policy and Culture of the Basque Country, during the previous year or during the current course of the call. 
  • Be a refugee or a person with the right to subsidiary protection or have submitted an application for international protection in Spain.
  • Have recognized and qualified a disability equal to or greater than 33% and prove it.
  • Have other documentable health problems, including serious diseases, chronic diseases or any other situation related to physical or mental health that hinders participation in mobility.
  • To have exemption from fees for one of the following reasons: large family, victims of gender-based violence and victims of terrorism during the course in which the stay takes place.
  • To have exemption from fees for one of the following reasons: Finestreta grants, Salari-Ítaca grants.
  • Have any of these other situations and prove it: receive the minimum vital income or minimum income of insertion, receive the provision of orphanage, have a social services report that proves the risk of social exclusion situation of the family unit, have a certificate of dependency or participants with dependent persons in charge, students with full-time employment contracts and/or single-parent family.

(**)Complementary amount to the individual support for ecological displacement The payment of this complementary amount will be made at the end of the exchange stay once the Certificate of stay has been provided. If you have made an ecological trip on the way back and/or on the return of your exchange stay, you will have to fill in this  form and attach the signed declaration. It is considered ecological trip the one made by train, bus or shared car.



For students from their own centers and from the FUAB Training School. Banco Santander offered for the academic year 2024/25 complementary scholarships to Erasmus+ scholarships. The UAB has obtained a total of 50 grants:

  • 2 scholarships of €1000
  • 48 scholarships of €500

These scholarships will be assigned according to the criteria established by Banco Santander, according to academic criteria. No stays less than 2 months long will be financed and students must register within the period indicated in

The scholarships will be aimed at students with the best participation grade, prioritizing the scholarships of the highest amount for students who had received a general grant of the Ministry the previous year and / or who legally accredit a disability equal to or greater than 33%.

The scholarships of more than €500 will be paid in two terms: to access the first payment of 70% of the total of the scholarship, it will be necessary to have sent two copies signed of the grant agreement, to have completed the banking data section in the SIGMA application with the IBAN of Banco de Santander, to have delivered the arrival certificate and signed the Declaration of responsibility. All 4 steps are essential to receive the payment. The second payment will be the remaining 30%, and will be made on the return of the student once he has presented the certificate of stay.

The scholarships of amount equal to or less than €500 will be paid in a single period: to access the payment of 100% of the total of the scholarship, it will be necessary to have sent two copies signed of the grant agreement, to have completed the banking data section in the SIGMA application with the IBAN of Banco de Santander, to have delivered the arrival certificate and signed the Declaration of responsibility. All 4 steps are essential to receive the payment. However, it is mandatory on the return of the student to present the certificate of stay.


The Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) announces grants for international mobility every year. In previous calls, the amount was €200 per month with a maximum of 6 months.
More information at, “grants and grants” section.
Interested parties must submit the application directly to the AGAUR within the deadlines established by that agency.


There are other grants that grant Countries, Autonomous Communities, Regional Councils, Foundations, etc. These grants are compatible with the rest of the aforementioned grants.


If you receive the unemployment benefit or other grants for exchange stays abroad, contact the body that grants the financial aid to determine whether or not it is compatible with the Erasmus+ grant. If it is not, participation in the Erasmus+ program would be done without receiving financial aid, in the modality of zero scholarship.