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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Àlex Rialp elected new dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies

20 Jun 2024
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Àlex Rialp, professor in the Department of Business of the UAB, was recently chosen dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies in the elections held on 17 and 18 June.

Àlex Rialp

The new Dean's Office will be made up of Xavier Vilà, secretary of the Faculty and head of ICTs and Communication; Maria Consol Torreguitart, regional secretary of the Sabadell Campus and vice-dean of Teaching and Academic Affairs; Jordi Perdiguero, vice-dean for Economics and Services, and for Promotion and Sustainability; Anna Maria Aubanell, vice-dean for Graduate Studies and Internationalisation; Guadalupe Souto, vice-dean for Quality and Teaching Innovation; and Stefan Felix van Hemmen, vice-dean for Students, Entrepreneurship and Employability.

Rialp earned his PhD in Economics and Business Studies from the UAB in 1997. He teaches undergraduate and master's degree courses in the area of Business Organisation. He has also taught at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and is an external examiner for a master's degree at Trinity Business School-Trinity College Dublin. At the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, he also has worked as coordinator of the official master's degree in Applied Research in Economics and Business, secretary of the Department of Business, and vice-dean of Graduate Studies and head of Internationalisation.

His main line of research focuses on the internationalisation of start-ups and SMEs, as well as international entrepreneurship. He has supervised sixteen doctoral theses and is the principal investigator of the research project "Institutional and organisational determinants of international entrepreneurship in a digital and sustainable context" (PID2022-141777NB-100), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, as well as a member of the Consolidated Research Group Entrepreneurship, Management and Performance (EMPg) (2021-SGR-0071), funded by the AGAUR-Department of Research and Universities.

Rialp és el primer degà de la Facultat escollit segons la Llei orgànica del sistema universitari (LOSU), que estableix el sufragi universal ponderat com a mètode de votació i un mandat únic de sis anys per al càrrec. El nou degà, que ha estat l'únic candidat presentat, agafa el relleu de la professora Judith Panadès, que n'ha assumit la responsabilitat des de 2021 fins ara.

is the first dean of the Faculty chosen according to the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU), which establishes universal weighted suffrage as the voting method and a single six-year term for the position. The new dean, who was the only candidate in these elections, takes over from Professor Judith Panadès, who had occupied the position of dean since 2021.

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  • Quality education
