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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Senate to vote on the drafting of new UAB Statutes on Wednesday

13 Jun 2024
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The UAB Senate will meet telematically on 19 June to approve the drafting of new statutes which have been prepared over the 2023/24 academic year. In this way, the obligation established by the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU), approved in 2023, which gave a period of two years to develop new statutes to all universities in Spain, will be fulfilled.

Claustre de la UAB

For the drafting of the new UAB Statutes, a Drafting Committee was chosen and four working groups were created (legal system and structures of the UAB; governance and basic governing structures; community and university activity; economic and financial system of the UAB, electoral system and reform), in which all those members of the university community who so requested took part.

The debates and meetings of these four working groups were coordinated by members of the Drafting Committee and their reflections were included in a first document that was submitted for consideration by the entire university community in an open participatory process. As a result of this participatory process, the draft received around 800 contributions, which were discussed by the Drafting Committee and incorporated, for the most part, into the document.

Subsequently, the members of the Senate presented some forty amendments to the preliminary draft, which were submitted for discussion and voting at the meeting held on 30 May. Now, the final draft will be voted by the members of the Senate in the new meeting on Wednesday, in an extraordinary session, which will be held through the Microsoft Teams platform starting at 9:30 a.m.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality education
