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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Stable Group of the UAB Theatre Class, awarded at the X Festival de Teatre Universitari de Barcelona

19 Jun 2024
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The UAB has been recognised with three awards at the X Festival de Teatre Universitari de Barcelona for the play “La Sala d’Espera”, after having participated on 22 May in the 3rd Biennial of University Theatre, organised by the Xarxa Vives d’Universitats.

director i actors del grup estable de teatre junt amb els premis guanyats

The Stable Group of the UAB Aula de Teatre received an award in the X Festival de Teatre Universitari de Barcelona at the awards ceremony held on Friday 14 June at the Col·legi Major Penyafort-Montserrat. The group has been recognised with the awards “Best Direction” for Ricard Gázquez, “Best Supporting Actor” by Marc Miranda, and “Best Characterisation and Costume” for the play “La Sala d’Espera”.   

The universities took part on 22 and 23 May in the 3rd Biennial of University Theatre of the Xarxa Vives d’Universitats, at the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona, where they performed the different plays in marathon format with a duration of 50 minutes each.

UAB students, under the direction of Ricard Gázquez, performed the play “La Sala d’espera”, a little-known piece by Àngel Guimerà that offers a mosaic of characters from a mountain town who are waiting for the railway to go to Barcelona, depicting comical situations and characters full of life. 

For years, The Stable Theatre Group has promoted the performing arts on campus and offers a complete training of dramatised readings. In September, the entrance test for new members with previous theatrical training and experience on stage will be reopened. 

If you want more information about our activity, artistic workshops or cultural programming you can contact us through the email cultura.enviu@uab.cat or our social networks, as well as subscribe to our Telegram channel @culturaUAB
