Specialisation Courses

Course in Animal Experimentation: Welfare, Legislation and Ethical Committees and Evaluation of Projects (English)

The course focuses on the topics of welfare, ethical committees and legislation in respect of laboratory animals.

  • UAB Specialisation Course
  • Code: 2268/21
  • 21th edition
  • Modality: Onsite
  • Credits: 9 ECTS
  • Start date: 15/02/2025
  • Finish date: 30/04/2025
  • Places: 40
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 1750 €
  • Special price 1490 €
    Group of application:
  • Teaching language: English
  • Location: Facultat de Veterinària. Campus UAB, Bellaterra (Barcelona)

This course provides the knowledge and skills required by designated veterinarians and other onsite personnel responsible for the welfare and care of animals to perform the functions of project evaluation.

The content of this course also complies with the training requirements set out in European Directive EU63/2010, developed by the Expert Working Group, supported by European Commission, in respect of the following modules: 1) National Legislation; 2) Ethics, welfare and the 3Rs; 5) Recognition of pain, suffering and distress; 9) Ethics, welfare and the 3Rs; 11) Design of procedures and projects, (i) Legal issues; 24) Designated Veterinarian, (i) Legislation, (ii) Ethics, welfare and the 3Rs, (v) The principles of veterinary communications; (25) Project evaluator and (50) Local environment as well as Inspectors module.


- Introduction to LAS: Associations/organizations, professional networks
- Legislation, including responsibilities of the LA veterinarian
- Bioethics
- Concepts in laboratory animal welfare. Welfare and stress
- Assessment of severity and humane end points
- Pain and analgesics
- Environmental enrichment and behavioural indicators of welfare
- Re-use and the legal, practical and ethical issues on re-homing after use of animals in research
- Assessment of protocols – general principles
- Assessment of procedures – case studies rodents and rabbits
- Assessment of procedures – case studies. Carnivore
- Assessment of procedures – case studies. Pig and ruminants
- Assessment of procedures – case studies Fish
- Assessment of procedures – case studies Birds
- Assessment of procedures – case studies. NHP


This course is included in the Master in Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare.

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Facultad de Veterinaria
Departamento de Biologia Celular, Fisiología e Inmunología


Patrocinio Vergara Esteras

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