The Fundació UAB

Legal and Human Resources Management

Legal Council

Name Position Telephone E-mail
Ángeles Ros Legal Advisor 663 09 08 06
Marta Espínola Lawyer 663 09 10 28
José Antonio Matas Lawyer 666 51 52 68
Gemma Llonch Legal Officer 93 581 70 88

Human Resources

Name Position Telephone E-mail
Carme Gata Head of Human Resources 669 69 87 17
Judit Álvarez Risk Prevention Officer 663 08 99 71
David Aznar Human Resources and Trainig Officer 697 42 38 16
Maite Comes Human Resources Officer 663 09 04 20
Toni Márquez Human Resources Officer 664 68 49 85
Marta Sabé Human Resources Officer 663 09 11 24
David Parralejo Administrative 663 00 59 77
Joan Asensio Estates Manager 93 581 74 17

Management Secretariat

Name Position Telephone E-mail
Sònia Olvera Head of the Management Secretariat 663 09 06 58

Risk Prevention

Name Position Telephone E-mail
Judit Álvarez Risk Prevention Officer 663 08 99 71


Name Position Telephone E-mail
Laia Trepat Head of the Training 663 08 99 60
David Aznar Training and Human Resources Officer 697 42 38 16

a) Agreements and contracts:

            •  Drawing up and supervising the enactment of agreements and contracts.
•  Control of possession of the mandate and authority to sign agreements and contracts.
•  Processing of the signatures and filing of agreements and contracts.
•  Management and updating of the databases for agreements and contracts.

b) Processing of public tender records:

•  Producing the initial documents prior to the final document.
•  Drawing up the Specific Administrative Regulations for the procurement procedure.
•  Coordinating the calendar and meeting of members of the Procurement Board.
•  Coordination and managing the communication of the calls to tender to the Procurement Board.
•  Writing notices for the Official Bulletin of the European Union.
•  Publishing the tender records on the procurer’s profile of the e-tendering platform of the Government of Catalonia.
• Signing contracts and notifying their signature to the Public Contracts Registry.
•  Drawing up extensions and amendments on the request of the person or body responsible for the contract.
•  Guardianship of the contracts and other documentation in the contracting records.
•  Managing and updating the database of contract record management.
•  Processing and management of the return of definitive guarantees.

c) Subventions:

•  Legal advice, preparation and production of legal documents.
d) Dispute presented prior to administrative appeal:

•  Drawing up of paperwork and communications prior to appeal.
•  Processing of claims and allegations.
•  Managing negotiations and extrajudicial transactional agreements.
e) Appeal brought before administrative tribunal:

•  Coordinating and managing the appeals process.
f) Transparency and Protection of personal data:
•  Legal advice on transparency and the protection of personal data.
•  Legal supervision of the Transparency Portal.
•  Decision of requests for access to public information.
•  Processing of legal communications and consultations before the Catalan Data Protection Authority.

g) Other:

•  Writing legal reports.
•  Carrying out management tasks and preparing documents before the Notary in preparation for the granting of public deeds.
•  Managing brands and internet domains.
•  Coordinating and managing digital certificates of the Fàbrica Nacional de Moneda i Timbre (the Mint) and of CATCert.
• Consulting the official publications in the Official Spanish State Gazette (BOE) and the Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia (DOGC).
•  Managing training activities in this field.

a) Coordinating the actions of the governing bodies.
b) Coordinating the meetings calendar.
c) Drawing up meeting agendas.
d) Writing up agreement proposals.
e) Coordinating and managing the communication for the convening of meetings and the associated documents.
f) Attending meetings.
g) Writing up or supervising the writing up of minutes and their safekeeping.
h) Producing certifications of the agreements.
i) Coordinating the execution of agreements and make them public where appropriate.
j) Managing suspensions and nominations of posts and members of the governing bodies.
k) Carrying out management tasks before the Protectorate.

a) Selection:

•  Coordinating and participating in staff selection procedures (publication of vacancies, shortlisting CVs, interviews and communication with candidates).
•  Maintaining the database for selection procedures.
b) Human resources management:

•  Registering and removing employees from the Social Security system.
•  Drawing up contracts for employment and service provision.
•  Offering support to new employees and service providers.
•   Controlling and monitoring the staff lists and the directories of the UAB and the FUAB.
•  Processing new e-mail addresses and UAB domains.
•  Managing the monthly payment of salaries.
•  Controlling and monitoring holiday leave, temporary incapacity, applications for special leave and leave of absence by staff in the institutions.
•  Managing and monitoring accidents in the workplace.
•  Managing company-university collaboration agreements for grantholders in the institutions of the FUAB.
•  Processing work permits for new personnel from countries outside the EU.
•  Communicating to the Social Security system travel by personnel outside Spanish territory.
•  Multi-employment.
•  Managing life insurance for employees.
•  Drawing up the employment calendar.
•  Coordinating conciliation and legal procedures.
•  Managing and drawing up contracts for staff objectives and monitoring their assessment for subsequent payment.
•  Producing and maintaining a staff data base.

c) Training:

•   Managing staff training at the institutions of the FUAB.
•  Processing payment for training through the FUNDAE (formerly Fundació Tripartita).
•  Maintaining the training data base.
c) Risk prevention:

•   Managing and coordinating the application of risk prevention in all the institutions of the FUAB:
  -  Organising medical check-ups.
  -  Managing staff training in matters of risk prevention.
  -  Managing emergency plans.

e) Other:
•  Drawing up staff budgets for new projects.
•  Monthly accounting of staff costs by cost centre at SAP.
•  Preparing the necessary documents for annual audits.
•  Preparing the necessary documents for economic justification of subventions.
•  Producing internal communications affecting all the institutions of the FUAB.

Ángeles Ros Bertomeu, Legal Advisor

•  Coordinating and supervising the legal advice services and, in particular, carrying out the following tasks: writing notices and communications in advance of legal processes, coordinating and managing legal procedures, processing complaints and claims, managing negotiations and extra-judicial transactional agreements, making decision on applications for access to public information and writing legal reports. 
Gemma Llonch Burgos, Legal Officer

•  Control of witnessing and sealing of deeds.
•  Managing the Transparency Portal (three-monthly publication of agreements).
•  Technical coordination of processing of subventions.
•  Managing the digital certificates of the Fàbrica Nacional de Moneda i Timbre (National Mint) and of CATCert.
•  Consulting the official publications in the Spanish Official Gazette (BOE)and in the Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia (DOGC).
•  Editing the publication in the procurer’s profile of the e-tendering platform of the Government of Catalonia, the Official Gazette of the European Union and the Public Contracts Register.

Marta Espínola García, Lawyer

•  Drawing up and supervising agreements and contracts.
•  Controlling powers for the signature of agreements and contracts.
•  Processing public tendering agreements.
• Legal advice for the processing of subventions.
•  Legal supervision of the Transparency Portal.
•  Legal assessment of question related to transparency and the protection of personal data.
•  Processing of legal questions before the Catalan Data Protection Authority.
Rosa Escoriza, Risk Prevention and Data Protection Officer

•   Managing and monitoring the application of the regulations for the protection of data in the institutions of the FUAB: control of the Processing List and the Register of Processing Activities, and assessment in question of the protection of personal data.

Sònia Olvera Santa-Maria, Head of the Management Secretariat

•  Coordinating the Management Secretariat.
•  Processing, monitoring and filing of agreements and contracts.
•  Managing brands and internet domains.
•  Carrying out tasks before the Protectorate.
•  Carrying out tasks with notaries related to the execution of the agreements adopted by the governing bodies.

Sònia Olvera Santa-Maria, Head of the Management Secretariat:
  • Coordinating the Management Secretariat.
  • Managing the meetings calendar for the governing bodies and calling the meetings.
  • Writing agendas, agreement proposals and documents for the meetings of the governing bodies.
  • Drawing up the certifications of the agreements adopted.
  • Managing suspensions and nominations of positions and members of the governing bodies.
  • Carrying out tasks before the Protectorate.
  • Carrying out tasks with notaries in relation to the agreements adopted by the governing bodies.
  • Filing the minutes of the meetings of the governing bodies.

Carme Gata Durán, Head of Human Resources

•  Coordinating and supervising the assessment services for human resources and, in particular, carrying out the following tasks: Monthly payments to the UAB, selection processes, new contracts, contract renewals, drawing up staff budgets for new projects.
David Aznar Guixé, Human Resources Officer

•  Managing the human resources of the Wassau Foundation: registration and removal of employees from the Social Security system, payroll, monthly accounting of staff costs at the SAP.
•  Offering support to the head and the other human resources officers.
•  Offering support for staff training.

Irene Olmos Jurado, Human Resources Officer

Managing the human resources for the Associació d'Amics de la UAB, Escola d'Idiomes Moderns Casa Convalescència, Fundació Autònoma Solidària i Vila Universitària: registration and removal of employees from the Social Security system, payroll, monthly accounting of staff costs at the SAP.

Joan Asensio Palumbo, Estates Manager

•  Offering the logistical support to the different managers and departments of the FUAB.
Laia Trepat Brescó, Human Resources Officer

•  Managing the human resources of the Fundació Hospital Clínic Veterinari and the Health and Ageing Foundation of the UAB: registration and removal of employees from the Social Security system, payroll, monthly accounting of staff costs at the SAP.
•  Managing the training of staff at the institutions of the FUAB.
Marta Sabé Bosch, Human Resources Officer

•  Managing the human resources of the UAB Foundation and the Association of Catalan Public Universities: registration and removal of employees from the Social Security system, payroll, monthly accounting of staff costs at the SAP.
•  Managing the selection processes at the institutions of the FUAB..

Rosa Escoriza València, Risk Prevention and Data Protection Officer

•  Managing and coordinating the application of the regulations for risk prevention in the institutions of the FUAB: organisation of medical check-ups, managing staff training in the areas of risk prevention and managing the emergency plans.
•  Managing and monitoring workplace accidents.
•  Managing the life insurance of employees.
•  Maintaining the directory of the institutions of the FUAB.
•  Processing new e-mail addresses and UAB domains for the employees and institutions of the FUAB.
•  Coordinating the tasks of the estates manager.