Cooperation and Education for global justice

TFG awards

Awards for Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice

The Fundació Autònoma Solidària calls every year the Awards for the best Final Degree Projects, dedicated to reward the best projects in the area of sustainable development and global justice carried out by students of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Since the year 2022, the awards are called Arcadi Oliveres award. 

Oliveres (see information here) was an economist and popular activist, inspiration of several social movements linked to global justice: anti-militarism and peace, international solidarity and cooperation, the anti-globalization movement, ecologism and the decrease... In addition to work as an Economy professor in the UAB from 1980 to 2019, where he was specially loved, he always stood out for his kind personality and for his civic commitment with the critical and compromised knowledge and with the activism to build, as he said, "another possible and necessary world". 

The legacy that the inspiring testimony of Arcadi Oliveres means to the UAB's current and future generations leads the Fundació Autònoma Solidària to dedicate these awards, with the intention of mantain the students' vital, compromised and critical spirit. This call aims to promote the interest in the reaserch around the proposed topics, as well as innovative methodologies, in the context of the University's commitment facing the current world challenges and its key role in the generation of critical knowledge and creation of an active and prepared to promote the social change citizenship. At the same time, the award wants to recognize the projects that have been created under the umbrella of the Global Justice. 

The topic areas on this competition are the biodiversity, climate change, human rights, citizenship, peace culture, social economy, cooperativism, interculturality, right of asylum, migrations, community health, conscious consumption, sustainable agriculture, green energy, waste management, among other things.

7th edition of the Awards: (Availables in catalan)

Terms and conditions Final Degree Project Award for Sustainable Development

Letter of presentation

Letter from the FDP tutor

Results (Availables in Catalan):

Results of the First Awards Competition for Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice 

Results of the Second Awards Competition for Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice

Results of the Third Awards Competition for Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice 

Results of the Fourth Awards Competition for Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice 

Results of the Fourth Awards Competition for Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice -  ApS 

Results of the Fifth Awards Competition for Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice 

Results of the Sixth Awards Competition for Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice

Results of the Seventh Awards Competition for Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice