Study plan Bachelor's Degree in Communication in Organisations

Study guides

Title of qualification awarded

Graduate in Communication in Organisations


Offered Courses at the Faculty of Communication Studies and Other faculties

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Study plan information

Table of credits for each course

  Basic training Compulsory Optional Bachelor's Degree Final Project
1st year 30 30    
2nd year 30 30    
3rd year   60    
4th year     48 12
Totals 60 120 48 12

Period of study

Year-long and semester-long classes

Part-time or full-time

Full-time dedication. Slow track available, with half the number of credits per academic year (30).

Basic and compulsory training

1st year 2nd year
- Theory and Techniques of Speech Construction and Speech Delivery
- Theory and Structure of Public Relations
1st semester
- History of Communication
 - Expression and Argumentation in Catalan
- Basic Communication Technologies
2nd semester
- Communication Structure
- Expression and Argumentation in Spanish
 - Introduction to Contemporary Economics

- Writing and Audiovisual Communication Techniques in Organisations
1st semester
- Contemporary Political Actors and Institutions
- Communication Theory
- Records and Archive Management
- Corporate Communication: Strategic Plans
2nd semester
 - Creation and Management of Social Network Content
- Communication Law and Professional Deontology
- General Sociology
- Internal Communication
3rd year 4th year
1st semester
- Social Corporate Responsibility
 - Basic Statistics
- Events Organisation and Management
 - Public Image Management
- Introduction to Marketing
2nd semester
- Communication Marketing
- Crisis Communication
- Negotiation, Mediation and Leadership Techniques in Organisations
- Basic Research Methods in Communication
- Protocol
- Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Optional subjects

4th year
- Work Placement / 12
- Economic Structure of Organisations / 6
- Business Models for Communication Companies / 6
- Direction and Management of Organisation and Human Resources / 6
- Political Communication / 6
- Creation and Organisation of Electoral Campaigns / 6
- Social and Consumer Psychology / 6
- Big Data and Data Visualisation / 6
- Advanced Digital Content Management / 6
- Graphic Design and Infographics / 6
- Culture and Entertainment Industries / 6
- Communication and Gender / 6
- Communication and Public Opinion / 6
- Communication, Development and Cooperation / 6
- Institutional and Corporate Photography / 6