
Duplicate certificates

You may request a duplicate in the following circumstances:

a) Your details need changing for reasons attributable to the administration, after the date of payment for the certificate. In this case you will need to make a new (free of charge) application for your certificate and hand in your old certificate to your Academic Office (Gestió Acadèmica).

b) You have lost your original certificate, it has been partially or totally destroyed, it has been stolen or it needs correction
In this case you will need to contact your Academic Office. The cost of publishing the announcement in the Official Spanish Gazette (BOE) is chargeable to you. The process begins 30 days after the announcement has been published. You will need to make a new application, pay the fees, attach a copy of the published announcement and hand it in to the Academic Office.

If your certificate has been stolen, you will also need to hand in the corresponding statement made to the police.

If your certificate needs a data rectification, such as a change of nationality, name or surname, or date of birth, you will also need to attach the official document attesting this change.
In the case of a change of name for the certificate to reflect gender, there is no need to pay the fee for reissuing the certificate, as stipulated in Law 3/2007, of 15 March, additional provision 2, on rectification of registered references to a person’s gender.

If your certificate has been partially or totally destroyed, you must state what caused this and, if applicable, attach the report from the relevant official organisation (e.g. the fire brigade, if it was burnt in a fire).

c) Special Award
This award does not appear on the official degree certificate, so it does not generate a new document. However, it does exempt the awardee from paying the issuing fees for the degree certificate.

Students receiving a special award for undergraduate studies at the UAB are eligible for up to 30 academic credits free of charge when registering on an official UAB Master’s degree, deducted from the applicable overall fees for that degree. This deduction will be applied at the student’s request and separately from the registration process. It is applicable only to the first year in which the student registers for the UAB master’s degree, and must be requested within a maximum of four academic years from when the special award was notified.

It is applicable to inter-university programmes provided either that the UAB is the coordinating university or that the coordinating university also applies this discount to the programme.

d) New specialisation
You may request a new specialisation to be added to your certificate, by making a new application, paying the corresponding fees and returning the original certificate to your Academic Office.

  • Application form (original and two photocopies)
  • Spanish national identity card, TIE (Foreign Resident Identification Number), or passport (original and one photocopy)
  • Large-family card (original and one photocopy), if applicable
  • Original certificate, if applicable.

Fees for university academic and administrative services for the academic year