Validation of foreign studies

People with partial or total foreign studies without homologation or equivalence of their degrees in Spain, can apply for access to the degree by validation of foreign studies, more information about the UAB in the following link.

Access to undergraduate studies by Validation of Foreign Studies - Academic year 2024/2025

Administrative calendar of the Faculty of Law, Academic year 2024-2025 
They can apply for admission:

People with partial or total foreign studies who have not obtained the homologation or equivalence of their degrees in Spain.


  • People who have a minimum of 30 credits recognized may be admitted.
  • For the purposes of the preliminary assessment of the academic record for credit recognition, the academic results obtained by students up to the deadline for submitting the application for admission must be considered.
  • This means is not open to people whose academic record of origin includes subjects for which they have enrolled and have not passed for the third or successive time.
  • Once the credit recognition process has been completed, people who have recognised 75% or more of the total number of credits of the degree they wish to access may not be admitted via this route.

The documentation to be submitted is as follows:

  • Application form.
  • Original proof of payment of the public price for academic record study, which is € 54.54 (€ 27.27 General Large Family).
  • Free document (Large Family, Disability +33%, Victims of Terrorism or Gender Violence issued by the Spanish authorities.
  • Original and photocopy of DNI, NIE or passport.
  • Personal academic certificate.
  • Syllabus of the original studies.
  • Programmes of the subjects studied, certified by the university of origin.
  • Qualification system of the home university.
  • Declaration of equivalence of average marks of university studies carried out in foreign centres.
  • Any other documentation that the interested party deems appropriate.

The documentation of foreign studies must be official, issued by the competent authorities, and must be duly legalized through diplomatic channels, according to the provisions established by the competent bodies, except for documentation from member countries of the European Union. The documentation must meet the translation requirements established in current regulations.

Review and ordering of applications

  • The admission process is carried out in accordance with the principles of equality, merit, and ability.
  • Applications must be denied from people who do not meet the requirements established in article 24 of the Academic Regulations of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Applications that meet these requirements are ranked according to the following criteria:
    • Firstly, applicants from degrees related to the branch of knowledge of the degrees requested.
    • Secondly, applicants from degrees not related to the branch of knowledge of the degrees requested.
  • Within each group, applications are ordered according to the following criteria:
    • The average mark of recognized credits is calculated in accordance with the procedure established in Annex III of the Academic Regulations of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
    • In the studies in which it is determined, the average mark obtained with the qualification of access to the university can be weighted, in accordance with the procedure established in Annex IV of the Academic Regulations of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


Places will be allocated according to the quality of the academic records and verifying that they meet the access requirements.
If an admitted student does not formalize their enrolment within the established period, it may be considered that they withdraw their application and their place may be assigned to another applicant.