Online procedures

Single Assessment

Escola FUAB Formació and Centre de Formació Professional de la FUAB Online Procedures

The processing resolution time is 7 to 10 working days from the date of the application. 
In case the procedure requires the payment of a fee, the resolution time of the procedure will start once it is paid.

Due to maintenance work over the weekend, there may be intermittent interruptions which affect the Procedures Service. 

Single assessment FUABf

This form is active in two periods:

  • From September 18 to October 16, 2024
  • From February 12 to March 7, 2025(*)

(*) During the second period, you will only be able to request changes in second term subjects.

Start the procedure

Further information of FUABf

You can consult the list of eligible subjects on the web pages of the school.

Final degree projects and work placements are supervised teaching subjects and therefore are not eligible for single assessment, which applies only to directed teaching subjects

Other questions about single assessment: check the UAB's website